Rubens Glezer
BISA 1 & 2
Professor at FGV São Paulo Law School
Professor at FGV São Paulo Law School
Rubens Glezer is Professor of the undergraduate program (teaching the subjects of Human Rights, Introduction to the Study of Law, and Theory of the Constitution), of the Professional Master’s Degree, in Public Law Theory, and of the Lato Sensu Graduate Program, in the Research Methodology course. One of the coordinators of the project Supreme Court on the Agenda, which observes the Federal Supreme Court. Professor at the Brazilian Society of Public Law (SBDP) and former Professor at the São Bernardo do Campo Law School. He holds a PhD in Philosophy and General Theory of Law, from the Law School of the University of São Paulo. He was a visiting researcher at New York University (NYU). Master in Law and Development from FGV Sao Paulo Law School. Bachelor of Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. He teaches Constitutional Law, Judicialization of Politics, State Theory, Philosophy of Law, Theories of Justice, and Research Methodology.